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The positions of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary shall be filled by secret ballot of all Assembly members. The secret ballot may be conducted electronically over email with votes submitted to and counted by personnel in the Student Affairs office. The persons assuming these positions shall be those receiving a majority of all votes cast. D. Impeachment proceedings for any officer can be initiated after obtaining a petition bearing the signatures of two thirds 2/3 of the Assembly members. This petition, containing grounds for impeachment, shall be presented at the next scheduled meeting and an impeachment vote placed on the agenda for the following meeting. Removal shall be instituted by a three quarters 3/4 affirmative vote of all Assembly members. E. If the Chairperson is unable for any reason to complete the term of office, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the position of Chairperson for the remainder of the term. Further succession to the office of Chairperson, if necessary, shall be determined by a vote of the remaining members of the Assembly. F.

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: Obshchestvo dlya Nauchnikh Evreyskikh Izdaniy i Izd vo Brokrauz Efron , 1906 1913. T 13, p. 373 374. Ibid. T 11, p. 698; Yu Gessen.

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In preparing for the annual CRE audit, it is suggested that members prepare a professional file containing all documents, course material and certificates of completion for ready reference. These will be required to be submitted to SOFE in a timely manner if a member is selected for CRE audit. CRE records should be maintained for a period of four years at a minimum. The designation of a member who fails to pass the CRE audit is subject to suspension. Requirements for Designees Who Have Left Regulation or RetiredAn application for change in membership must be submitted and approved for any change in membership status. All designees, including those who have left regulation, will be required to earn 120 CRE hours every triennial period. Retired status designees who are not gainfully employed directly or indirectly in regulation may continue to use their designation without meeting any CRE requirements. Forms with instructions for inactive or retiring members are at the "Forms" link at the top of this website under "Resources". ReinstatementAn application for change in membership must be submitted and approved for any change in membership status. Members who fail to maintain the required number of CRE credits will be ineligible to hold or display their designation. Such individuals will remain members at the prescribed fee for general membership.

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